Sunday, January 23, 2005

Saturday, here we are

I took Jeff back with me to Bradley, where Youssef was stuck DJ-ing for a social. We ate junk food from the vending machine as we watched people dance and then ate some tortellini I cooked. When the three of us were lounging in the office after cleaning up, a couple of our residents came in to tell us that somebody had driven onto the sidewalk from the parking lot by the cafeteria, fishtailed, drove down a flight of stairs leading to the dormitories, fishtailed, drove down the sidewalk between Cole Hall and the game field, fishtailed, drove off the sidewalk and into ten inches of snow-covered game fields, and finally stopped right before hitting a tree. HOT DAMN! Youssef went to check out the stairs while I went for a camera. We were shooed out but from what Youssef heard by spying on the Popo and the perps, a freshman from another school was the driver. She had a blood alcohol level of 0.2 - which I hear is pretty high - and that her car had really flown over those concrete steps. I know, I know; I'm terribly nosey. But what an amusing ending to a mild day!

El coche y yo.

Las pistas del neumático (the tiretracks).

El camino de towing. (No sé utilizar la cámara dela oficina.)


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