Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I Radio

I've been on sham husband Youssef's radio shows for a little while, and they're good.  And fun. They make me realize how little involved in politics I really am.  Then again, I can outalk them about dildos.  Not as well as Eax can, but I can still talk about 'em. I'm bringing my camera out  more, so I got to take some photos. I like to listen to myself fumble my words.  Mostly, I like to sit there and watch people. 

My only regret? I just wish I hadn't let spill that he smokes a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, his father listens to his show via webcast. Oops. And saying "promoting good health for healthy sexuality because it's good," or something like that today because there was dead air and Youssef made me speak about SOL.

The outfit du jour was a la Molly Ringwald.  A white boy's button down with a boy's pink tie, pleated black skirt, and black sneakers that hit mid-calf with neon blue and pink laces that I bought for US$7 in Guangdong two winters ago. All right, all right, mama bargained them down for me. I love my grandma, even if she hates my hair.  It wasn't too cold, but I was getting some strange looks on State Street.  I kept thinking that the back of my skirt was tucked into my underwear, but that wasn't the case. I think it was the bright-pink cheeks; I went a little overboard on the theater makeup. 

Youssef, dancing to Sage Francis. I heart him. We're best friends.

My partner-in-crime, Ben.  We work well together because we're both huge procrastinators.  And Jewish.

Aww, it's Jeff. No one loves Jeff. They can tell he's part Japanese. Joke; everyone loves Jeff.

Heeeeey, it's Rich!  He's smart up the wazzoo. I'd like to steal some of his brains.

Man, guess who was the only one there without a beard?  No one!  I've got Youssef convince everyone of my hyper-heterosexuality! Harharhar. 

Hopefully, I can pick up some radio experience to justify my applying to This American Life. Which is nice, because it would be in Chicago and I can either live at home (*gasp*) or somewhere else...*ahem, friends who live in chicago* *ahem* 

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Weekend update

Things I learned:
1a. El Pastor is a really good Mexican restaurant.  Their horchata is not as good as La Hacienda, but the food was delicious and cheap. Their "medium" burrito was large enough for two meals and the waitress spoke in both Spanish and English.  Note to self: work on Spanish speaking skillz.
1b. El Pastor will seat you away from the other customers if you are not Latino.  I noticed this immediately; I wonder if it was to make the non-Latino customers feel more "comfortable" or something.
2. After I went to Stoughton to buy beads and chocolate, I decided that small towns are fun, but they always make me nervous.  Even if the people are for the most part friendly, I feel like I shouldn't be there. 

At that particular drug store, R and I passed a teenaged father scooting his toddler through the door.  His back was to us, his pants slung low past his ass, carrying his burgundy BVDs along.  I could have dropped several quarters down there. 

Oshira-sama looks like he's pooping out Yu-baaba

Last night I was on duty.  That was real boring. At least no one barfed in front of me.  I got up at noon today, putzed around, showered, and drove over to Schlee's house to see Schlee and R, and maybe mooch some lunch from them.  Schlee made a delicious skillet potato thing and scrambled eggs. As a rule I can't stand eggs in the morning but at three in the afternoon, I like them a lot. Then I had to leave early in order to facilitate a discussion on sexuality at the CWC, but I couldn't unlock any of the doors.  So I sat around and waited to see if anyone was going to come.  No one did.

Mmm, warm.

I headed down to my own Campus Center and took some vanity shots, which I haven't done in a while.  My hair isn't as light as I would have liked it, so I'm not sure how the color is going to come out.  But it feels good to be blonde again...wahahaha.  I'm a little tempted to bleach it all out.  Then again, I'm tempted to clean my room.  Pure fantasies.

I met one of my residents as I walked out the Union. This is the same resident that I reported earlier as radiating hostile vibes.  I get the feeling now that most of the hostile vibes I get from residents are simply because I'm a Housefellow and therefore a figure of authority.  That offends their sensibilities, because college means no rules to them.  I offered him a ride becuase it was rainy and gross; he seemed a little perturbed, as if I were going to ignore him and his luggage and move right to the car.  I drove him and his girlfriend to Liz Waters, waited for him to come out, and then drove us back to Bradley.

Youssef and I went grocery shopping.  Good shit.  We're both trying not to eat at the cafeteria so much.  My groceries are still waiting to be sorted. I also should be working on an incomplete right now.  But I'm not doing either!