Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Weekend project

Browsing through Built by Wendy's spring collection today, I came upon this jacket:

Sort of like this...I really like the contrast of different patterns and the dark colors going on here. I'm not sure what makes it Japanese exactly, but I'm assuming it's a reference to the textiles. Vaguely, vaguely does it resemble a cap-sleeved happi with a button closure. I suppose.

This pattern instantly reminded me of two patterns I thrifted when I was in Madison. One is old school Burda - no seam allowances and all in GERMAN! - and the other is from Simplicity, 1970. Both offer that wide cap sleeve and neither have a collar. They also both hit at the hip, which is a plus. I can't stand most of the cropped tops that are currently worn as "boob displays."

The Simplicity has already been opened, so I'd go with that one. I'd prefer the Burda but I'm such a hoarder that I can't even peel off the plastic wrapper.

I would probably finish this since I need a mid-weight covering. Most of what I've been wearing requires an additional layer; the play of patterns yet adherence to dark colors suits speak to me. But lately I've been dressing like a New Wave hobo punk, so I'm not sure how this is going to fit into my daily wear.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Quote of the day

Flipping through Appiah's Cosmopolitanism, I came across this fun German phrase:

Und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein,
So schlag' ich Dir den Schädel ein.
If you don't want to be my brother,
Then I'll smash your skull in.

Luckily, I am wearing my hardhat

Monday, March 20, 2006

A little porny

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Boo, Entertainment magazine

I was enjoying T Rex all to myself and you had to go and make a big fuss over glam bands. And now everyone will be listening to T Rex and go,"OMG!"


Anyway, I uploaded Electric Warrior for S and shall now share with you. It's all good.

And the Pogues! Jesus wept.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Oh snap

Another round to the Face Analyzer, this time with a photograph of an angry mime. Or burglar.

This time, I find that I am really a hundred percent Southern European. That's like, Spanish and Italian? That's all right because I do like tapas. And Manu Chao.

Then I saw my Celebmatch, the one celebrity who most resembles me physically and psychologically:


The Korean Konnection doesn't stop. Ever.

But really, with his tendency to shy from the public except for the rare moments he comes out to talk crazy, how can he be classified as a celebrity?

Oh. Right.

I wish the Personality Profile would also list a Crazy factor. "[There are] also consistently reported rumours of young women being kidnapped in Japan and elsewhere to be his companions in a string of luxury villas (BBC)." Mmm, luxury villa. I'm not too fond of kidnapping though.

The good thing is, though, that we are both wealthy (or going to be), are good at bossing people around, and look good in insanely huge sunglasses.


Monday, March 06, 2006

Yeah Project Runway

I know my Photoshop skills rule. Ha.

No hotlinking, please.

EDIT: Another one without the hoodie and the extra six inches.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


I've been getting a lot of this lately:
"What nationality are you again? Korean?"
First off, I'm guessing the question is not about where I was born but what ethnicity you think I am. Jesus wept. F-plusses for all of you!

Secondly, KOREAN?
I don't remember what features constituted Korean: black hair, olive-toned skin, short, good at math, slanty eyes...wait a second...

Not having any Korean friends since that one time they tried to hook me up with Jesus a few years back, I tried to Google what Korean people looked like. The good ladies of LADY didn't help much, as hormone therapy and expensive surgery will make anyone regardless of original sex look good and vaguely un-ethnic.

Moving on to other sources: my favorite Korean restaurant, Tofu Village, is out of the question since they're closed at 2am. What is a girl to do?

Then I remember The Face Analyzer. A swanky Hot-or-Not type site that analyzes your photo for race! So I registered, uploaded my photo and got this:

OMFG! RDJ and I have so much in common! More drugs plz.

Clearly, clearly people are so off the mark. Korean? Please, I'm South East Asian American. With a deficit in good manners and social skills. Go back home and study your Asian races.